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Code of conduct

Volunteers Code of conduct

1. Transparency: open meetings, disclosure of interests.

2. Respect: No actions or personal criticism, we are all here doing this on a voluntary basis and everyone deserves respect for that.

3. Commitment: It will take a large number of us to share the work. Anyone taking on a task, no matter how small will need to do it on time because everyone else will be depending on it.

4. Efficiency: we should respect the time given by volunteers by running an efficient planning process and holding effective meetings.

5. Fun: this should be a fulfilling and enjoyable exercise.

To download a PDF of the Code of conduct, click here.

"Community participation lies right at the heart of sustainable development. Sustainable communities will take different form from place to place, but one thing that none of them will be able to do without is a broad and deep level of participation."

Action Towards Local Sustainability, website introduction, 1999

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