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Village meeting 1 - October 17th and 22nd 2015

Village meetings are an opportunity for the Steering Group to present the results of their research and discussions. It is also the chance for the villagers to ask questions of the sub-group teams and to express their own views on the issues that will be included in the Neighbourhood Plan.

The discussions centred around the following broad topics:

  • Aspects of the village that are important
  • Advantages of reasonable growth of the village
  • Concerns about new housing
  • Criteria for new housing
  • Facilities that should be improved or developed
  • Solutions to traffic problems
  • The development of businesses, amenities and recreation areas.

The Overview of Village Meeting One 2015 gives some provisional notes from the two meetings in October.

For more photos of the October meetings, go to the Gallery page and scroll down.

The next village meetings will take place in February 2016, when there will be the opportunity to review the Neighbourhood Plan options and give detailed feedback to the Steering Group.

The Post-it note exercise

Villagers attending the two autumn public consultation events held in the village hall were invited to note concerns and ideas on ‘post-it’ notes and stick them on a large aerial photograph of the village. If other people agreed, they could add a green dot; if they disagreed, they could add a red dot. The same exercise was continued when the aerial map was subsequently moved to the Church. The number of dots on a post-it note indicated the strength of feeling about the item.

The table records all the notes left on the map, whether they were endorsed or contradicted with coloured dots or whether there were no dots to indicate a preference either way. Click here to view the table. 

In some cases, there were both green and red stickers on the same post-it note suggesting that the comment is controversial. It should be noted that that notes added late in the process were obviously less likely to attract green/red dots and that the exercise was open to all without any need to declare interests. Neither was there any check as to whether individuals were voting with green/red dots more than once - but the exercise still indicates general preferences!

"Community participation lies right at the heart of sustainable development. Sustainable communities will take different form from place to place, but one thing that none of them will be able to do without is a broad and deep level of participation."

Action Towards Local Sustainability, website introduction, 1999

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