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Village meeting 3 - September 20th 2016

This update meeting took place on the evening of Tuesday 20th September 2016 in the village hall. This was the first opportunity to update the village on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan since February 2016 and it was very well attended.

The proposed content of the Plan was described and the distinction was made between Planning Policies which sit alongside those of Cherwell District Council and Parish Council Objectives which do not relate to planning and land use, such as traffic calming.

Within the Plan, there are 3 proposed housing sites:

- Southfield Farm, which has outline planning permission but where the Parish Council are in discussion about the detailed design.

- Fir Tree Farm, which is an agricultural storage facility where development is proposed in 2 phases over the next 15 years.

- A small extension to Gallosbrook Way for residents wishing to downsize.

The meeting concluded with questions, as a result of which it was agreed to ensure that any new development had sufficient car parking and to explore the possibility of starting a youth club in the village.

A few more photographs of this meeting are available at the bottom of the Gallery page.

"Community participation lies right at the heart of sustainable development. Sustainable communities will take different form from place to place, but one thing that none of them will be able to do without is a broad and deep level of participation."

Action Towards Local Sustainability, website introduction, 1999

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